About Tentmaker and Dew from Mount Hermon

By Gary Amirault

Several years ago, my wife and I were captured by the Savior of the World. We do what we do partly because of our love for Him and partly because we are compelled and partly because, as Peter came to understand, "Where else can we go?"

Hidden away for a few years in Hermann, Missouri, we have spent many hours combing hundreds of books and tapes on many subjects such as the ones on the opposite page. We discovered, as some of you have also, that what we were taught in our church systems was a far cry from what the early Christians believed, taught, and walked. We discovered the "Everlasting Gospel" that is truly "Good News" to all mankind. We are going to shout it from the housetops, from our pens, from our keyboards, faxes, printing presses ,audio tapes, and we will fly paper airplanes into your living room if we have to, to let creation know they are beloved of our and your Father. Our purpose is to help others of like joy by strengthening them with encouragement, prayers, and providing tools that will help dismantle the idols of fear and religious superstition that so plague the world. "My people die for lack of knowledge."

We send out what we have as our Father provides the resources needed through coins in fishes mouthes (haven't found one yet) and the faithful in His Household. We are not a non-profit or a profit organization, we are children of the Most High going about our Father's business. We appreciate your support if given cheerfully and willingly. There are many who ask for bread who do not have the means so your support is helpful and needful. Checks should be made out to Gary Amirault or Tentmaker. Your prayers and words of encouragement as well as lovingly given words of correction are very much needed and desired.

We plan to continue to put articles from many sources into "Dew from Mount Hermon". We hope we bless you that you may bless others that we may bless our Father.