Circe (Church)--Daughter of the Sun

By Gary Amirault

As our Father allows me to look into His wisdom, I marvel at His ways, which are so far above me that only His Holy Spirit can reveal them in ways I can bear. He raises me up on wings that I might be able to grasp a larger understanding. In the natural, sometimes a high place allows one to see what one could not see in the valley. The high places that our Father brings one to allows one to see the flow of time and peoples as one continuous big picture. All of a sudden the end, the beginning, and the flow in between becomes one wonderful thought, a gem with it's many facets seen together with the light of understanding shining brilliantly . . . dazzling my spiritual senses. Oh, what childlike joy when we are allowed to enter into the treasure house of the wisdom of our Father.

One of these wonderful gems is the story of natural Israel and her daughters, Sodom, Samaria, etc.. Theologians have spent much time covering up the wonderful truths contained in the Old Testament. Some denominations have completely severed the Old Testament from Christian foundational teachings. Others have not been so bold, but when one looks at the yellow marked pages of the Bibles of their church membership, it is obvious that the three quarters of the Bible called, "Old," has taken a very distant second place. And so we must repeat the errors of those who have gone before, ever learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. Our Father wrote a wonderful story upon the backs of a people called Israel. Had we been taught the true story of Israel, and had church history not been so whitewashed by church leaders, the knowledge I am about to share would have been seen ages ago. But the shepherds of our Father's sheep have always been about the business of fleecing, robbing, and killing. We have been in darkness, but everything done in darkness will one day come to the light. Let there be light.

What I am about to share, is not the story of Israel, the shadow, but the very substance of whom Israel is the shadow of. This is a true story of a woman called "Church." She calls herself the "bride of Christ." Beneath this main title come many others names of honor such as Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Protestant, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Charismatic, Pentecostal, Mormon, Reformed, Brethren, Quaker, Kingdom, Sonship, the Little Flock, etc., etc.. Over the last two thousand years, this woman called "Church" has taken on many thousands of different names. There is much in a name, especially when one sees that the affairs of the peoples of this world are governed by an Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Creator who lets nothing slip through His fingers. Let us look at a name. . .a name the world is ever so familiar with. She is a woman who has attempted to conquer the world by whatever means she could find at her disposal, and she did it all to the glory of her God. Let us look at the name of this woman called "Church."

For those of you who know me, or have listened to some of my tapes, you know I have spent hundreds of hours combing through many books written two to three hundred years ago. It seems our Father loosed much knowledge at that time. Much of this knowledge was in "ore" stage. It needed to be refined to be any good for civilization. This woman called "Church" took much of this knowledge and hid it away. She knew that this stuff was dangerous, dangerous for her, that is.

One of the books that appeared in this era, was the beginning of a household institution called "Webster's Dictionary." It made it's first appearance in 1828. Since then, it has gone through many editions, revisions, and forms. But there is something about that original Webster's that makes it easy to go through a door to behold something that matches to the horror and amazement Ezekiel experienced when he dug his hole into the Temple wall, and perhaps equals the astonishment John must have felt when he beheld that "woman." Under the heading of "church" in the original 1828 Webster's Dictionary, we find the following:

"Church, n. [Sax. Circe, circ or cyric; Scots, kirk, which retains the Saxon pronunciation; D. Kerk; G. Kirche; Se. Kyrchia; Dan. Kirke; Gr. Kuriokon, a temple of God, from kuriakos, pertaining to a Lord, or to our Lord Jesus Christ, from kurios, a Lord; Russ. Tzerkou.] .1 A house consecrated to the worship of God, among christians; the Lord's house. This seems to be the original meaning of the word. The Greek ekklesia, from ekkalew, to call out or call together, denotes an assembly or collection. But kuriakos, kuriakon, are from kurios, Lord, a term applied by the early christians to Jesus Christ; and the house in which they worshipped was named from that title. So kuriaka signifies church goods, bona ecclesiastica; kuriakh, sc hmera, the Lord's day, dies dominica. 2. The collective body of christians, or of those who profess to believe in Christ, and acknowledge him to be the Savior of mankind. In this sense, the church is sometimes the Catholic or Universal Church. Johnson Enclyce. 3. A particular number of christians, united under one form of ecclesiastical government, in one creed, and using the same ritual or ceremonies; as the English church; the Gallican church; the Presbyterian church; the Romish church; the Greek church."

The entry for "church" in this dictionary continues through 9 entries, but we have enough here to write a book. I am going to try to keep this in an article size, perhaps continuing into the next issue of "Dew." For those of you who want more after reading this article, write for the tape entitled "The origin of the word 'church'.

Those of you who have been in "church" or have "gone to church" for any length of time have probably heard that the origin of the word "church" is from the Greek word ekklasia written in English ecclesia which would translate into English as called out, an assembly, or collection. This may be the definition of the word ecclesia, but the English word "church" does not come from this Greek word. Webster says the English word "church" comes from the Greek word kuriakon meaning "the Lord's" or "the Lord's house or belonging". Sounds plausible, doesn't it? This is what the seminary students are taught when they enter into the halls or walls of christendom as they study to become "heads of the churches." To most of you, this explanation would probably suffice, but I am a nosy type, and I like to dig. Looking into Young's Concordance, I discovered this word kuriakon is not in the Greek text of our Bibles. Strange that the Creator of the Universe would name his body on earth kuriakon and then not use the word in His Holy Word. Something did not smell right, know what I mean?

I am in touch with many people who spend much time doing word studies, and play around with what has been called "etymology", that is the study of word origins. I also read much material from different authors who have traced many of our "church" words to pagan mythology, especially Greek, Roman, Babylonian, and German or Teutonic mythology. Most of you are not aware of the fact that English is really a part of the German language. As a matter of fact, about 90% of the words in the King James Bible are German in origin. The English peoples are also called Anglo-Saxons. The Webster's Dictionary says under Anglo-Saxon "A member of the nation created by the consolidation of Low German tribes that invaded England in the 5th and 6th centuries, together with native and Danish elements, which continued as the ruling power of England until the Norman Conquest." Their language dominated England. Even the name England reflects this. I point this out so that you are aware of how German or Norse mythology has much to do with many of our English words.

Now Webster says that the root of this word "church" is a Saxon word "circe, or circ, or cyric." Those of you who are versed in Greek mythology or in the Greek language should begin to be raising your eyebrows. This information is so embarrassing that Webster did what he could to hide this in his first edition, but later editions made it easy to uncover. In the Original Webster's under the word "circ" are the simple words "see circus." Who says our Father doesn't have a sense of humor? But it gets more interesting than that! The first entry as to the etymological meaning and origin of the church is "circe." Now for those who are versed in Greek, this connection is so obvious and embarrassing that Webster did not put this noun in his dictionary, but he did put the adjective which is "Circean" I cannot prove it, but I think this omission was intentional. Under "Circean" we find the following definition: "adjective; Pertaining to Circe, the fabled daughter of Sol and Perseis, who was supposed to possess great knowledge of magic and venomous herbs, by which she was able to charm and fascinate." Later editions of Webster's finally had the courage to enter the noun under which we find more information: "Circe noun [L., fr. Gr. Kirke.] In the Odyssey, an island sorceress who turned her victims by magic into beasts but was thwarted by Odysseus with the herb moly given him by Hermes-Circean, circaean adj.."

A couple of years ago Dr. Ernest Martin sent me a photocopy of an old book written in England with a cover page that went as follows: "The MYTH OF KIRKE: Including the visit of Odysseus to the Shades. An Homerik Study by Robert Brown, Jun., F.S.A.." It had a quote from the famous Milton on the title page that read, "Who knows not Circe, The daughter of the Sun?" It appears at the present time few people know her for who she really is. Dr. Martin opened my eyes and since then I have spent much time gathering the pieces to reveal Circe, Church, the daughter of the Sun, who mixes venomous herbs in "a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of the fornication of the earth."

I will leave the readers here to ponder, pray, and marvel. Read Revelation 17 and 18. In the next issue, Father willing, we will trace how the Greek Kirke became Circe in the Anglo-Saxon, which became Chirche in Church Latin who finally manifested in full glory as Church, daughter of the Sun, a woman who had the power to turn men into animals. For those who want more sooner, order the tape, The Origin of the Word "church."

(To be continued)