Living in the Same House

Is Not Enough

by Michelle Amirault

Our Father seems to speak to me often like a child by giving me pictures to communicate clearer understandings of important things for the growth of my walk with Him. For example, before I read the booklet by George Warnock called The Feast of Tabernacles, I saw on the back cover a man on his knees longingly looking up to behold the Most High. As I looked at him and identified with his longing, my heart leaped as I became aware of my Father’s longing for me. Then the understanding of the Feast of Tabernacles was given to me very simply as I pictured myself consuming the Father and Him consuming me. Our Spirits melted into one Spirit.

This morning, however, as I was trying to find my Love, other amazingly simple pictures gave me needed understanding. After singing very softly to seek the awareness of the Presence of my Love, I became aware that two people can live in the same house and not be sensitive to each other. For example, they can each be busy doing things in separate rooms. Then I realized they can even be in the same bed and not be focused on each other. And then, to my surprise, I realized that they can even be “making love” physically, but still have their mind far away from their lover. This sadly is too often the state of my mind when I come before the Father. I want to touch His heart, but I bring the busyness of my thoughts to him and rudely just babble them off with no awareness that maybe He has a completely different agenda for our time of oneness.

Interestingly, I have the same problem in the natural realm. Because of the wonderful internal changes the Holy Spirit has brought in my husband and me, we have a wonderful marriage. (This is a miracle in that we were at one time separated, because counselors, the church, and even the two of us gave up on our marriage. Fortunately, our Father did not give up, and by His Spirit brought forth Life where there was death!) But there is one weakness in my communicating that is still in great need of internal change. Even as I write this article, the precious Holy Spirit is working on me. So I publicly confess that when my sweet husband is in the room, although he usually has a million things already stirring his own mind and may want to share some of his burdens with me, I can start talking, unaware of his needs, thinking out loud the burdens or even just the thoughts in my head. This can bring on an overload for him, and often keeps us from real meaningful communication.

Although our Father in heaven does not get overloaded, in fact, He knows All our thoughts already, it is difficult to hear His wisdom for us if we do not shut down our noise. I long to be intimate with full oneness, Spirit, soul, and body. FOR IN THIS PLACE OF ONENESS. . . THEREIN LIES THE REST!

Dear Father, please perfect me in this area even this day, that when you wish to speak, I am stilled just by Your Reality. Please make me sensitive to You and to the needs of my natural husband, and to those, all precious to You, with whom I am to communicate Your Love. Your Love knows our hearts even before we speak. I want to be made to hear You as people express themselves, that I may know from You their needs, and give forth Your Life by Your Spirit ruling in OUR HOUSE. Cleanse my conscience from acts that lead to death, so that I may serve You, the Living God! Thank You Father that You will have Your way, which is for the good of ALL peoples, and that You will complete what You started. I love You because you are teaching me by loving me. Your love is consuming me and making us one in OUR HOUSE. Amen.

Hoping this speaks to some of you too. In His Love, Michelle