Meaning of the Name "Mary"

By Gary Amirault

For those of you who have been "undone" a few times by our wonderful Father, this little article will perhaps be amusing. To some, who have not been stripped of Romanism, this might be a little painful, perhaps even bitter.

Catholics have been taught for centuries to pray to Mary. I have books written by Catholic priests in which they tell their readers that Jesus should not be prayed to because He was too angry at mankind. He was bitter and it was best to pray to His mother who would soften Him up to get a good answer to prayers.

It is hard for Roman Catholics to find out that Mary was not a "good" Roman Catholic. She was a Jewess which means her real Hebrew name from which we get "Mary" was "Miriam." Looking up the word "Miriam" in any good Bible dictionary we discover that "Miriam" means "bitter!"

It seems the wisdom of our Father far exceeds the deceitfulness of Roman Catholic priests. Oh, Father, please set your people free from deceitful priesthood who call evil good and good evil.
