New at Tentmaker

By Gary Amirault

Since the last publication of Dew we have added a few new tracts, booklets and audio tapes. One large booklet, The Doctrine of Eternal Death, One Step Out of Hell, One Step Short of Glory, deals with the teaching of annihilation. While this doctrine portrays a more merciful God than eternal torment, it does not harmonize all scripture. It is the only material we are aware of that deals with annihilation teachings from the viewpoint of the salvation of all.

The following tracts have been added:

Two audio tapes on Jewish and Church History dealing with the period of 30 A.D. to 73 A.D. are available. We will be spending much time in the future pointing out that many prophesies the modern church puts at the end of time have already been fulfilled. Their fulfillment may give a clue as to how the present age will end. Discover the incredible way the covenant with Israel came to an end. This tape series will definitely cause one to see their Bible in a new light.

We have also produced a tape on Christian giving. We unveil many of the scams used to fleece the flock while at the same time discuss how a Christian is to give. Those who have ordered Is the Mosaic tithe Scriptural? know we believe the tithe cannot properly be used by pastors. We discuss some real heart issues about something that often is closer to our heart than God. What could that possibly be, you ask? Money!! The tape is entitled "Plates, Buckets, Bags, and Envelopes." Two other tapes are "Buying Morality" and "Christian Cussin'."

Recent Additions to our Resources

Audio tapes by Gary Amirault


Booklets and Studies: