Let God Teach You The Bible
Many years ago, in the 80s, I was in the church waiting for meeting to start and reading my Bible which I had often read through, one version after another. Suddenly, I gasped. It was 1 Corinthians 15--- as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. WHAT!!!
I read the entire chapter again! and again! and again! It still said the same thing.
ALL will be saved. Halle lu YAH!!!
As the years went by, I found more and more and more verses all through the Bible confirming that ALL will be saved.
About four years ago, I was taking a class on prayer in a Baptist church. We were supposed to read Romans. Church influences had pretty much erased the ALL will be saved. I was freaking out! Most people would burn in hell forever and ever and ever according to what the church and the teacher was putting out. I was on my knees praying for mercy for all.
Then Holy Spirit took me by the hand and I was reading Romans 5: 12 and read on.
Then it all surfaced in my memory, 1 Corinthiains 15. I call them "twin chapters" both giving the same message. Halle lu YAH!
I'm not in churches any more. I'm not very good at keeping my mouth shut. lol
And there's a lot more false teachings in the church. A lot more......
I asked YAH why he allowed his book to be so mangled. YAH told me he doesn't want the Bible to be a golden calf. He wants a personal relationship with every person. Let them come to him and ask their questions.
Works for me!