Testimony of the Power of the Fear of Hell
My oldest daughter, who also recently sent her testimony to you, was the one who introduced me to the tentmaker website.
I was married to a man who received Jesus as his Savior and Lord as an adult. The first time he made a mistake the enemy of our souls, the accuser of the brethren, told him that he wasn't really a Christian because Christians don't act like that. And it caused him to doubt his salvation. He continued to struggle with these kind of accusations and doubts the rest of his life to the very near the end of his life.
He was definitely afraid of going to hell. I met him at a Bible school. He consulted many of his professors at the school and leaders at the Baptist church we attended for help in overcoming the problem. None of them were able to help him.
One of his coworkers kept on inviting him to attend his church. We finally did go. I thought that since his once-saved-always-saved friends were not able to help him believe he was saved, then maybe these Pentecostals who did not believe once saved always saved, might be able to help him to at least manage his fears better that he had been able to. Boy, was I wrong! They actually made his fears to be of even greater magnitude, and by then he was afraid to leave that church.
Now he was not only afraid that he might go to hell; he was also afraid that if his wife was not perfect and his children were not perfect then they would go to hell and it would be his fault for not being the father and husband that they needed.
This resulted in a lot of marriage problems, the worst one being his physical discipline of the children. This became more and more severe until it was actually child abuse.
Eventually, I divorced him. This took off of him the terrible burden of being responsible for my salvation and the salvation of the children. He actually said to me about one month or less after we moved out that he noticed that we were all happier now. And he was able during his weekends with his children to be the kind and loving father he really was.
Unfortunately, the children being raised in that kind of church also had a great fear of hell and of being left behind. Not all Pentecostal churches are as bad as that one was, but those who are extremely legalistic are. Fortunately even that church preaches a lot more grace and love than they used to.
My oldest daughter decided to google "hell" and she found your website. Tentmaker Ministries When she shared the universal salvation doctrine with me I was ready to receive it and it was such good news that I danced around her kitchen. Of, course, this lined up with the character of the God I have known since I was 7 years old. The pastor I had then and still have now had already taught me for many years a greater revelation of the goodness of the character of God and he had never preached about or even mentioned hell.
God is sooo good. He's a good, good Daddy and He's rejoicing over me!!! (end of letter)
Dear reader, think of how many millions of Christians have gone through these kinds of torments! How many marriages, relations with children, etc. have been destroyed by the teaching of Hell? How long will it be before pastors and church leaders repent and walk away from this abominable teaching? Please, dear reader, read this letter again carefully and prayerfully. And then seek God's face on the matter and see what God would have you do.