
  • The Prophet - Prophetess by Mercy Aiken. Where Truth and Love kiss.
  • The Picture of a Prophet By Leonard Ravenhill. If there ever was a time America needed the voice of the prophets it is now.
  • The Prophet Savant By Chip Brogden. A wise word to those who seem to have prophetic insight.
  • Prophecy Fulfilled - By David P. Crews
    For those curious about the "End Times," this is a must read book. While we at Tentmaker don't agree with all that's in this book, it goes a LONG way towards unraveling the nonsense that is being preached on the air waves and in pulpits regarding eschatology and the end of the world.
  • 1679 Prophecy --A prophecy given in the year 1679.
  • This Is A Prophetic Warning To American Christians September 11, 2001 The Touchstoning of America's Heart Through Strikes Against Its Financial And Military Symbols By United (and) American Airplanes. Unless America turns from its present course, greater disasters surely await it.
  • The Destruction of Jerusalem Historic proof Jesus is the fulfillment of Old Testament (Mosaic) prophecies. Jesus is Messiah.