Christian Universalism
Ultimate Reconciliation in Christ
The Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ
What is Christian Universalism? Christian universalism is a belief in the simple Bible truth that Jesus Christ is the "Lamb who takes away the sin of the world." He is the promised Messiah of whom the prophets of the Old Covenant foresaw; Jesus is the Savior of the world, He is the "Second Adam," through Whom all mankind will be restored to God's original image, He is the only way to the Father, the only begotton Son of God Who gave His life for the world. We believe He is king and judge of the universe, and owner of all Creation, and that His purpose for the ages (aions) is to bring all things under His government and reconciled with Himself.
We believe that through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus will save all mankind and restore all things. As Christ Himself said, "If I be lifted up (crucified) I will draw all men to me" (as also prophesied in Psalm 22). Jesus is the Name before which every man, woman and child, from all of human history will bow before and declare that He is Lord. At that day, the prophesied "restoration of all things" shall come to pass, and of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.
In the Greek New Testament, this teaching was called apokatastasis. Over the centuries, men and women used many different terms to describe this glorious teaching including ultimate reconciliation, universalism, Christian Universalism, Biblical Universalism, universal salvation, universal restoration, universal reconciliation, the larger hope, the greater faith, the doctrine of inclusion, Paul called it "The Glorious Gospel," and "his gospel." The founders of Tentmaker Ministries, Gary and Michelle Amirault (and the behind the scenes web-manager, Karen Rowland), prefer the phrase "The Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ."The term focuses on Jesus Christ, the importance of the gospel and Christ's ultimate victory. Tentmaker Ministries is in the process of publishing a New Testament translation with that name.
While the early American Universalists embraced a biblical Christian version of universalism, when it merged with the Unitarian denomination, it became a non-christian organization. It is unfortunate this has happened. This is one of the reasons many Christians who embrace the teaching of the salvation of all mankind do not like to use the words "universalism" and do not like to be called a "universalist." But the term has always had a derogatory slant on it.
The words "universalism" and "universalist" were originally in English used as derogatory slurs much as the word "Christian" was used as an insult. Eventually, believers in Christ accepted the smear and carried the reproach with dignity. Today, while millions of Christians have abandoned the pagan concept of Hell as Scriptural, they are still very skittish about being branded a Universalist. Of all the teachings the traditional churches has attacked and ostracized over the centuries, universalism ranks at the top.
It is ironic that the group of Christians who give our Father and His Son the greatest glory and honor (Universalists), are considered the greatest threat to the traditional churches who teach Jesus loses most of mankind to a place called Hell in which billions of human beings will be tortured forever. Well, every now and then, we, at Tentmaker Ministries get to fish out of the traditional pool a worn-out fish or two. Here is what happens to those poor souls who spent years under the traditional teaching of Hell when they discover a Savior who can do what He promised to do, save all:
"This is the best site I've found on the Internet in 20 years of Internet surfing. After believing in hell for the better part of 48 years I've now discovered the Amazing Good News of the Gospel. At first I thought it was to Good to be true having been one to warn others about hell. I've now discovered that this indeed is a false doctrine as much as I tried to find fault that eventually all mankind shall be reconciled to God. Scripture no longer contradicts itself. Unbelievable how we the church have been blinded. The material and research on this site is fantastic. Thank God for people who dare to think against the grain. A Big Thank-you. God Bless you for such great news. This was so awesome I just bowed my head and thanked God. Truely the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news. God saves all mankind. How amazing. Truely God is Love. What peace fills my heart. Thank-you. Kirk"
"The resources on this site saved my life, both physically and spiritually. I can't even express my thanks. They're too big for words. Grace"
Universalism as used by Gary and Michelle Amirault at Tentmaker Ministries is the "Victorious Gospel of Jesus Christ." It's all about Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross. It's all about Him and it's all GOOD NEWS and a joy to all mankind.
Jesus Christ IS the savior of the world, whether traditional churches believe it or not. Perhaps it takes great faith to believe such a great promise. Will you one day hear, "Ye of so little faith, why did you doubt?"
More scholarly information on Christian Universalism
More information on Universalism and After-life or After-death
More information on Universalism