Facts About the King James Bible, also Known as the "Authorized Version"

(Also contains much valuable information about Bible translating in general.)

This work is an assortment of well-researched articles containing facts about the King James Bible, often referred to as the "Authorized Version." There is a great deal of controversy regarding this English translation. There are many books on the market expressing the view that the King James Bible is the only English translation authorized by God Himself and that all other translations are works of the devil. For a season, I was in that camp. I have read many of the leading books supporting that view. I've read Tex Marrs, Gail Riplinger, Otis Fuller, Peter Ruckman, etc., etc. and I used to believe a lot of what they wrote.

Then I decided to HONESTLY look at the other side of the coin. I believe if you do the same, the conclusion will be quite obvious as to where the facts are and where the mud lies. It is impossible to know the truth about a matter unless one looks at both sides of the issue. The following articles will present facts addressing the King James Only position. Research them. Go and see "if these things be true." I realize this is difficult for many in the King James Only groups to do. I recall my struggle wrestling with this issue. But if the reader is determined to seek the truth regardless of the cost, they must set aside their prejudices, their own feelings, their own indoctrinations, and "study to show themselves approved." I pray that my Father and your's sends the reader the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of inspiration to give the reader the courage to test what they have been taught. Often we see what we want to see and not what is plainly before us. May the Holy Spirit remove all of our blinders, that we may fully know, THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFEā€¦JESUS CHRIST, SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. Gary Amirault

Some of the authors of this collection of articles are: James Martin, Kevin Davids, Bill Reid, Daniel B. Wallace, Gary R. Hudson, Douk Kutikek, Edgar J. Goodspeed, Dr. Allan A. MacRae, Dr. Robert C. Newman and myself, Gary Amirault. The reader will find in addition to these articles the entire "Preface to the Reader of the King James Bible Version 1611."

(While I, Gary Amirault, agree with most material contained in the composite of articles, I disagree with a couple of the authors on one major issue. For the most part, the differences between the many thousands of manuscripts of the Greek and Hebrew do NOT involve key Christian doctrines. However, there ARE major differences among many ENGLISH Bible translations with respect to foundational Christian doctrines. In other words, I don't find any major problems among the original languages of the Bible regarding major doctrines, but there are major problems with how translators brought those originals into modern languages. MANY modern language translations, including some of the best sellers like the NIV, NASB, NRSB, Amplified, etc., contain doctrines which stem from the "traditions of men" and NOT from the Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic. A visit to the Tentmaker Internet Site will bear this out.
( http://www.tentmaker.org See "The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail.")

The articles cover a broad range of topics: background of King James and some of the translators; various different errors contained in the original King James Version; information about the various printings of this Bible; Erasmus and his "Textus Receptus;" background information about the people who are behind this King James Only movement; a list of several hundred archaic English words in the KJV is provided; the original introduction to the readers which has been removed from most modern day printings; and much much more. I prepared this information because I personally was greatly harmed by the writings of the KJV movement AND the King James Version of the Bible. By making this information freely and readily available I hope to spare others the pains I went through. In Him, Gary Amirault

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