Newest Articles and Books at Tentmaker

10-16-2013 Savior of All Mankind? By Gary Amirault. A page designed to help internet searchers find material on Christian, Biblical Universalism.

5-11-2011 Proof Texts on Endless Punishment by D.L. Livermore. Explains many Bible passages that appear to teach everlasting punishment in a place called Hell. Bible Threateningss Explained is also a good book this purpose.

4-01-2011 The Power of the Fear of Hell (Testimonial)

9-8-2010 Matthew 25:46 Commentary by Gary Amirault. If punishment is not eternal, then how can life be eternal since aionios is used to describe both?

4-6-2010Have You Lost A Loved One? By Gary Amirault. Gary And Michelle Amirault lost their 35 year old son, Scott in December of 2009. Gary talks about how terrible it would have been for them both if they believed as millions of Christians do that their son may be in Hell...forever.

3-19-2010 Joy Increased or Not? Isa 9:3 Another Bible Matters article.

3-17-2010 Come To Jesus Song

3-15-200 You Are Going To Hell! by Deborah Giordano. Deborah sees a twist in the Parable of the Prodigal Son Christians should make themselves aware of.

3-06-2010 Mysticism and Christian Universalism Professor Ken Vincent traces the belief in Universal Salvation (Christian Universalism) through Jesus Christ among those labeled "mystics."

9-04-2009 Ever Been to Hell and Back? Gary Amirault with Tentmaker Ministries digs into claims of those who are featured in Christian television tv and radio programs, books and church specials who claim they went to Hell and were commissioned to come back and warn to world to repent.

7:27-2008 Is Hell Eternal? Of Will God's Plan Fail? By Charles Pridgeon, former President of the Pittsburg Bible Institute. Excellent full length book on Universal Salvation

7-22-2008Divine Intimacy Divine Union is the ultimate of intimacy. Michelle Amirault gives a brief introduction to this reality through a short video.

7-22-2008 The Lightning of God Most people in and out of church are afraid of lightning, but without it there would be no life on earth. Spiritual lightning is even more needful but it too is greatly misunderstood. Most Christians do not even know what it is because their Bible translations have hidden it from them. Gary Amirault gives a brief video introduction to "The Lightning of God" and some interesting facts about natural lightning.


If Everyone is Saved, Why Preach? by J. Preston Eby. Many Christians cannot see that love constrains those who believe in universal salvation to share that love with all mankind. THAT is true evangelism.


Inescapable Love of God by Professor Tom Talbott. Three chapters in PDF format of his classic book on universal salvation through Jesus Christ

Interview with Jurgen Moltmann German journalist Florian Berndt interview famous German theologian Jurgen Moltmann on the subject of universal salvation.

Pastor Alex's Testimony A pastor from Cameroon, Africa discovers the greatness of God's Love.


Techniques for Truth Suppression and Disinformation The rich and powerful of all societies have always had their tricks to maintain their power over the masses. Here are two lists of how they do it.


The Picture of a Prophet By Leonard Ravenhill. If there was ever a time in which America needed the voice of the prophets, it is now.


A Cloud of Witnesses by Dr. J.W. Hanson. Copyright 1885. A PDF copy of a book filled with quotes from great authors, ministers, poets, statespersons on the subject of God's mercy and salvation for all mankind. Quotes include Abraham lincoln, Florence Nightingale, Martin Luther, Count Zinzendorf, John and Charles Wesley, F.W. Farrar, General Greene, Henry W. Longfellow, Isaac Watts and many others.


God's Love for All Mankind by Brian Albert. Brian shares how he came to discover the Salvation of All Mankind through Christ's Cross.


The Parousia in the Apocalypse by J. Stuart Russell


Victorious Gospel Quotes by Famous People


Why Critics on Universalism are Wrong in the Bulgarian language, one of Europe's oldest.


Does Calvinism Bring Peace of Mind? By Charles Slagle. Christians sometimes find comfort in the "Once Saved, Always Saved" doctrine of Calvinism's Five Point TULIP, but not without some scripture and mind bending.


Matt Slick's Slick Double Talk If CARM members really know what Matt Slick of Christian Apologetics and Research really believes, most would consider him a heretic. This is ironic considering Matt believes most Christians are heretic. Matt is a Five Point Calvinist.


Unique Proof for (Biblical) Universalism by Gary Amirault who has had a lot of experience with CARM, (Christian Apologetics and Research Minisries) and Matt Slick.


The Logic of (Biblical) Universalism by Tom Talbott, retired professor of Philosophy at Williamette University


Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God/Sinners in the Hands of a Loving Creator Jonathan Edward's sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" is one of the most famous sermons in Christianity. But few are made aware his sermons actually drove people to commit suicide. Few people realize the hypocrisy in the message because most people do not know Edwards was a Calvinist. Gary Amirault rebuts Jonathan Edwards with "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving Creator" on the second part of what was originally an audio tape.


The Spirit of the Word byA.P. Adams. A collection of his writings for 1885-1886 on Universal Salvation, atonement, the Cross of Christ, redemption, word studies, etc.


Abraham's Bosom By J. Preston Eby. An excellent very detailed explanation of the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus also known as Lazarus and Dives. Luke 16:18-31


Exposing the Biggest Lie Ever Told by Ken Eckerty. Truly Satan's biggest deception is to get's God's own people to grossly misrepresent Him. Israel did it and the Church followed suit. But He WILL be vindicated in the end.


Universalism and the Bible by Professor Keith DeRose from Yale University. Professor De Rose follows the tradition of Professor Tom Talbott of Williamette University defending the teaching of the salvation of all mankind from a philosophical and moral point of view along with many scripture proof texts.


Christ Triumphant or Universalism Asserted by Thomas Allin. Excellent old book proving Jesus Christ will indeed save all mankind despite what many modern denominations of Christianity presently teach.


One Another's and Each Other's List of the Bible Large collection of Scripture verses dealing with how we are to treat each other as Christians.


Mercy and Judgment by Canon F.W. Farrar. One of the most scholarly treatments of universal salvation through Jesus Christ by a well-known and recognized Anglican scholar.


Reason For Hope Universalistic activity in main-line traditional denominations by Bob Evely


Christian Doubletalk Traditional Christians don't always mean what they say.


Universal Salvation and the Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Church seems to have changed its position on Hell and salvation since Vatican II.


DoubleCross by Dan Stone. Most Christians live a defeated life. Not recognizing we have been crucified with Christ is the key reason why according to Dan Stone.


Infamous Hall of Christian Terrorist Organizations


Unique Proof For Universalism


Jacque Ellul, Famous French Philosopher on Universal Salvation


Chart of words translated Hell in the some Bible Translations


Is Billy Graham A Closet Universalist?


Adam Succeeded, Will Christ? New Tract in PDF format by Gary Amirault


The Harrowing of Hell by Gary Amirault


The Book of Revelation was Written Before 70 AD by Bill Kiser


The Salvation Conspiracy: How Hell Became Eternal by Dr. Ken Vincent


Conformed to the Image of Christ by Hannah Whitall Smith


Grateful Heart: An Antidote to Lust by Alan Medinger


Bible Matters #18 The Best Bible Translation by Gary Amirault


Tentmaker Inspirational: The Cab Drive


The Anointing of the Priesthood by J. Preston Eby


Twenty Four Short Sermons on Universal Salvation by John Bovee Dods


Christ's Body Assembled In the New Day (transcribed from the video by Gary Amirault)


Tried By Fire by Reba McMurry


Are We To Keep Both Covenants? by G. Richard Culp


War Is a Racket By Smedley Darlington Butler


Comparing the Old and New Covenants by Gary Amirault


Christ Triumphant by Thomas Allin


Concerning the Holy Spirit


Beyond Jordan by Bill Britton


In Christ by T. Austin-Sparks


Is God in Everything? by Hannah Whitall Smith


In Search of Jesus by Judith MacNutt


Free To Live by David Ebaugh (a pdf file requiring Acrobat Reader)


What Advantage is there in Believing Universal Salvation? by Gary Amirault


Arguments Against Universal Salvation (Calling all apologists to add their comments and rebuttals!)


Galatians by Mary Carothers


Bible Matters A compilation of all the Bible Matters articles that have been sent out by Gary Amirault. Join the list!


How Can You Be Right and the Rest of the Church Be Wrong? by Bob Evely


Come, Holy Spirit by Frances MacNutt


Did God Create Hell? Excerpt from "What I Believe" by Jacques Ellul


How Many Is Whosover? by John Gavazzoni


Divine Glory Brought Into View by Charles Chauncy


The Bible by John Gavazzoni


Savior of the World Series by J.Preston Eby


Just What Do You Mean, Eternity? by J. Preston Eby. An examination of the difference between time, as measured by ages; and eternity, which cannot be measured. A fascinating read, and a great introduction to this subject.


Figures of Speech by E.W. Bullinger


The Unselfishness of God and How I Discovered It by Hannah Whitall Smith (3 Chapters that have been omitted from her spiritual autobiography by modern publishers)


God "Might" Save the World? by Gary Amirault


Universalism: the Prevailing Doctrine of the Church for the First 500 Years by J.W. Hanson DOWNLOADABLE VERSION!


Questions Without Answers A Refutation and a Response (by Lake, Hewey and Condon)


Be Filled With the Spirit by K.P. Yohannon


We Are Stained Glass by Michele Sloop (A gospel parable in the form of a bedtime story)


The Five Points of the New Theology (Based on the Five Points of Calvinism) by James Freeman Clarke


The Real Meaning of Lazarus and the Rich Man by Ernest L. Martin, PhD.


From the Candlestick to the Throne: The Church in Smyrna (What is a true Jew?) by J. Preston Eby


Six Signs of the End Times (The Judgement of Jerusalem) by Rev. William Patton, D.D.


Universalism Refuted


You are Uniquely and Awesomely Made!


The Destruction of Jerusalem An absolute and irresistible proof of the divine origin of Christianity, including a narrative of the calamities which befel the Jews so far as they tend to verify our Lord's predictions relative to that event. By George Peter Holford


Universalism is not in the Bible! Have you heard that one before? An awesome scripture collection proving otherwise!


Every Knee Shall Bow by Mark T. Chamberlain (an excerpt of a book based on portions of "Christ Triumphant" by Thomas Allin)


The Hope of Israel by Philip Mauro


The Wars of the Jews by Flavius Josephus


Jesus' Teaching on Hell by Samuel G. Dawson. Most of what we believe about hell comes from Catholicism and ignorance of the Old Testament, not from the Bible. This study will cause you to re-examine current teaching on hell and urge you to further study on what happens to the wicked after death.


The Outcome of Infinite Grace by Loyal Hurley


The Case Against Hell by Mercy Aiken (with Gary Amirault)

An article that asks some very important questions about the history of the doctrine of Hell. Contrary to popular belief, this doctrine is not found in the Bible. Read this article for proof.


150 Reasons For Believing in the Final Salvation of All Mankind by Erasmus Manford

This booklet written in 1849 presents a compelling arguement for universalism based on Scripture.


The Spirit Of The Pharisee by William Moss
If you think the self-righteousness of the Jewish Pharisee is dead, think again. Every Christian needs to read this book.


The True Basis of Redemption by A. P. Adams
Showing that Redemption is a part of Creation, and hence its successful issue depends, not on the creature, but on the CREATOR. He will have a desire to the work of his own hands. (Job 14:15)


"The God of All Comfort" - by Hannah Whitall Smith


What is Carlton Pearson's "Doctrine of Inclusion?" - by Gary Amirault
I was asked by Carlton Pearson to write an editorial for the Tulsa Beacon, a Christian newspaper in Tulsa Oklahoma on behalf of himself as to what Carlton's "Doctrine of Inclusion" consisted of. I assumed since he asked me to write it that he (Carlton) believed like I do, that is, the universalism expressed in the Scriptures by all of the prophets, Jesus Himself and His apostles.


Hell Is Leaving the Bible "Forever" - by Gary Amirault
Contains a Chart showing many Bible translations which DO NOT contain the concept of a Hell of everlasting punishment and many scriptural proofs that words like "eternity," "forever and ever," "everlasting" in various leading Bible translations are simply gross errors.


REGRESO DEL GLORIOSO EVANGELIO EN PODER - Por Gary Amirault (Translated into Spanish)
Cuando la iglesia deje caer sus grillos y cadenas de Período Medieval, "tradición de hombres" y "doctrinas de demonios", entonces, una vez mas manifestará la gloria y el poder de la iglesia primitiva. Preparence.


Prophecy Fulfilled - By David P. Crews
For those curious about the "End Times," this is a must read book. While we at Tentmaker don't agree with all that's in this book, it goes a LONG way towards unraveling the nonsense that is being preached on the air waves and in pulpits regarding eschatology and the end of the world.

Is Jebel al-Lawz the Mount Sinai of the Bible as Bob Cornuke of BASE Institute Asserts?


The Sifting Of Powers - By Gary Amirault
What we align ourselves to in the coming months is vital to our Spiritual
health. (Spanish version added 10/31/01: TAMIZANDO LOS PODERES)


New! Spanish Version of The Pillar Laws of the New Testament by Gary Amirault: Los pilares de la Ley de Nuevo Testamento - Millones de cristianos están bajo la maldición del Antiguo Pacto, y ni siquiera lo saben. Descubra la verdadera diferencia entre el Nuevo Pacto y el Antiguo Pacto. Muchas iglesias no lo llevan a uno a las bendiciones del Nuevo Pacto.


The Touchstoning of America's Heart by Gary Amirault


Tract: The Glorious Gospel
by Jan Antonnson

The Return of the Glorious Gospel in Power
by Gary Amirault
As the Church drops its shackles and chains of Dark Age "traditions of men" and "doctrines of demons," it will once again display the power and glory of the early church. Prepare yourselves.


Does the Teaching of Hell Cause Mania in Some People?
Testimonial by Chris Moyer
A combination of the teaching of Hell and Dispensationalism brought this person to suicide. Read how he was set free.


The Problem of Evil
By John Essex
The Bible says God created evil but most of the church attributes it to Satan. Who really created evil?


Free at last to truly love!
Testimonial by Andrew Goldfinch
As a Calvinist, I tried to love others but it was just not possible.


True Temples
(Print-ready in Adobe Acrobat(tm) PDF format)
Has the church been using God's provisions according to the commandments of Jesus or according to the traditions of men?


Estudios Bíblicos El Diezmo está Abolido (Spanish translation of The Tithe is Illegal)


How Salvation and Healing Comes - by Patrick Strickland - Have we put too much emphasis on man's obedience and not enough on God's promises?


Martin Luther - Hitler's Spiritual Ancestor - by Peter F. Wiener. Many of the Reformers were NOT the saints much of Protestant Church History paints them as. This work reveals some of the dark side of the leading Protestant Reformer.


Absolute Assurance in Jesus Christ (Four Views of the Salvation of Our God) -- by Charles Slagle. If you have been devastated by spiritual abuse or fear of God's hopeless abandonment, this book will change your life.


Doctrine of Retribution -- Edward Beecher, D.D. A historical look at the origin and history of the scriptural belief in Eternal Punishment published in 1878.


Now that I know God is not willing that any should perish I can truly love him -- Steve Walters at age 16

I Grew Up with Two Images of God -- Beth Walters

Peace at Last! -- Ty Milligan -- He grew up in a minister's home, grew up listening to fervent preaching about sin, Jesus' sacrifice, and eternal torment in hell if you didn't believe just right. After long years in turmoil and fear, God's peace finally broke through and changed everything.


Beyond Jordan - new book and charts

Subliminal Messages Are Powerful; Especially Religious Ones by Charles Slagle (first article in a new section called Tradition Busters)

2/5/2000 added:

The Bible's "Missing Day" in Joshua and the NASA Story - Is the story that the Bible helped NASA find the "missing day" true? We, Christians often pass on many falsehoods because we fail to check things out for ourselves.

12/13/99 added:

God is Love - by J. Preston Eby (excerpt from Savior of the World Series) God's Love is FAR greater than what is taught in the typical Christian Church. Find out HOW much greater!

12/10/99 added:

"Everlasting Destruction" in Some English Bible Translations is a MISTRANSLATION. By Dr. Marvin Vincent, author of "Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament

11/22/99 added:

Lazarus and the Rich Man - by Bryan T. Huie - Short article revealing this parable refers to the removal of the kingdom from Israel to be given to the gentiles; it is NOT about Hell.

11/19/99 added:

The Rich Man and Lazarus - by J. Patching -Contrary to the "traditional" interpretation of this parable, Hell is NOT the subject matter. Jesus, in this parable as well as others explains that the kingdom of God is about to be taken from Israel and to be given to another nation which will bring forth the fruits which Israel did not bring forth.

10/26/99 added:

5/15/99 added:

4/23/99 added:

4/14/99 added:

4/9/99 added:

  • Usury Scripture List - All Scriptures dealing with usury, charging interest and a little commentary

4/8/99 added:

4/3/99 added:

  • Ages or Eternity and the King James Version - by John Dokas - Proves the Greek word "aion" has been mistranslated in the King James Bible. Contains a concordance of each occurrence of the word "aion" in the Greek New Testament
  • Needed - Men of God - The body of Christ needs mature men and women. Here's what it takes.

1/8/99 added:

  • Arguments in Favor of Christian Universalism - Chapter 20 of a book by E.E. Guild - Those who embrace Universal Salvation are often accused of believing in a doctrine which has no Biblical basis. This book excerpt will thoroughly refute such an opinion.
1/3/99 added:
  • The Christ Child and the Wise Men - by Gary Amirault - Travel back in time to a scene more true to Christ's life than the traditional Christmas pageant portrays.
  • Looking into the Face of Christ - by Marian Scheele -- The noise and pace of this world may cause one to lose sight of the most important thing in the world--the Face of God.
  • A Word to the Elect - by Anne Bronte - Many poets and those with "gentler hearts" have embraced the teaching of the salvation of all mankind through Jesus Chist. Anne Bronte is one of them.
12/15/98 added:
  • Charles Slagle--Minister who was marvelously healed from Chronic Manic Suicidal Depression.
12/5/98 added:

11/19/98 added:

10/24/98 added:
10/23/98 added:
10/22/98 added:
10/21/98 added: 10/19/98 added:
  • The Judgment --from The Savior of the World series - Just what do you mean by Judgment? - J. Preston Eby
  • Dying Words of Eliza W. -- Taken from the magazine "Gospel Visitant", 1818 - While on her deathbed, God revealed to her His glorious plan to save all mankind, but was rejected by her own pastor as a result of this wonderful revelation.
10/12/98 added:


  • Saved by Jesus Life --A response to the question - Why would Christians witness if everyone is saved?
2/19/98 2/16/98 1/28/98